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Old 01-15-2011, 11:03 AM
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MYGOGT is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Merci Alizée View Post
If I'm not wrong then some of the young members of the forum must have done different types of school projects. In one such project, I noticed that main aim was to sell a certain number of cookies to other people.

I was wondering if you guys can do something like for Alizée. The task would be distribute sample CDs or DVDs in your area. So, far something like this was done by some of the older members like Scruffy and MYGOGT. But unfortunately they didn't get much success with it for various reasons like people thought there is some catch with it, etc. To be honest, I don't have much faith in standalone efforts or as FandeAlizée described it "quixotic" efforts. If you don't have much support then there is no choice and you have to do it alone. But when you have such a forum and enthusiastic young members then that energy should be used in some way. I'm not good at thinking ideas. This is one which I thought and I'm not sure how practical it is.

The idea is to invite members of the forum and they would do something similar to their school projects : "distribution of sample disc" in their area. For that first of all we need to create a sample disc with whatever content you guys think would be appropriate. Then take the task of distributing like 100 discs in a week or whatever number you want. The believe that young people might get a better response from others.

The content of the disc could be good quality videos with English subtitles. To make it more general and useful to the receivers, a basic French tutorial can be included so that at least they find it good for learning the language. While distributing you can say that our project is to promote the French language and this singer. You can explain them that they could use it for learning the language etc.

Younger members might find it a bit expensive idea. Here is one probable solution for that. Older members who are ready to spend money, but don't find it quite effective, they can give an Alizée item to whoever completes a particular task. In this way, both sides can contribute.

One more thing, you can prepare videos of campaign. All videos will be posted here. In the end those videos can be compiled into one video and we can have a series of Alizée America promotional videos.

All those who become a part of it would get recognition by the forum. I will create a separate user group "Promotion team" and that would be official staff of the forum.
I rather like this idea MA. Maybe get Scruffy to make the compilation master disc and I/we could get it duplicated/replicated to 1000 copies for distribution.
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