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Old 01-22-2011, 10:44 PM
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Alizée's Thug Life
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
So that comes as news to me. I've said many times I've always though of her as a classy young lady, but from images I've seen of her off stage, she's at times looked kind of rebelious to me and sometimes kind of punkish, so I really had no idea what the true Alizée was like and it's enlightening I guess is the best word for it, that she knew what it all meant from the begining. EDIT: As much as Alizee might have known, I still don't think she knew about the big red shoe.
Agreed. She played the role on stage. Innocent, sexy, angelic... whatever was needed. And you know what, I'm sure she was/is those things in real life, but she was other things too. She was a teenager just trying to figure out what's the hell is going on. (Like we all have and some on here still are) She was a working-class kid trying to keep her feet on the ground..etc. etc. That's one of the wonderful things about people, they have many facets.
I think we got a glimpse of what she was really going through visually with the whole Lilly-mullet, piercings and tats in 2004. She was letting loose whatever the "real" Alizée was at that moment. And it wasn't a sweet innocent Lolita.

Ok, I have no idea about this big red shoe. Please send me a PM about it. I is dumb.
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