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Old 01-25-2011, 06:18 PM
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RobandSandy RobandSandy is offline
Alizée Always And Forever
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Orlando Florida
Age: 59
Posts: 467
RobandSandy is on a distinguished road

I am still a very new fan to Alizée and ANY French Pop, was into hard rock and metal till Apr 25, 2010 still am. But could someone please fill me in on who Jennifer is? And why it would be a good idea for Alizée to follow her? Just wondering. I personally feel that what Alizée should follow is the leading of her own heart, that is where true artists create true art and music. No where else. When the Kent State Massacre occurred in Kent Ohio Neil Young went into the woods and did not come out until he had written Ohio. Neil Young, one of rocks legends, who never FOLLOWED anyone only his own heart. That is what I want to see, Alizée getting some queit time to listen to her own heart, if she can her next album is sure to be one to go down in history amongst the legends. You see call me old fashioned, but, I come from a place and time when true musicians DID NOT SELL OUT.

Last edited by RobandSandy; 01-25-2011 at 06:26 PM..