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Old 02-03-2011, 03:22 PM
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JoeNY is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Honestly, I think her singing career is basically over. It would take such a huuuuuuge overhaul to really make her successful again and I just don't think she has the drive or desire anymore. I know her last two albums were an attempt to go outside the box and explore but there is a reason underground music is underground. Frankly, its not that hard to look at the charts and see what is popular. Take that and make something of your own out of it. I've said this before but, I think she got a bit cocky (as would most people in this situation) about her fame from MF. Unfortunately, the French are very fickle when it comes to music and her most hardcore fans really only buy her new albums because they're hers. I'm not trying to be a bitch or only point out her failures but, she has made some bad mistakes and it has cost her.

I mean no disrespect, but she needs to quit F@#%&ING up if she doesn't want to be a joke in France.
I am a big fan of Alizee, not only for her music but as a person. I want to see her succeed in life and be happy even if she never sings another song that I enjoy. That being said, her last 2 CDs on her own did not appeal to me, and I did not buy them like I ate up her other CDs and DVD.
I'm somewhat sad to read people blaming Alizee for the breakup with Mylene. I don't know what prompted the breakup - her marriage, pregnancy, becoming a woman with other priorities, or wanting to escape the typecast of a Lolita - but who's to say Mylene didn't initate it? Maybe Mylene thought she milked the Lolita image enough, and the next step for Alizee would mean crossing into her territory. Jealousy? I think Alizee is more popular in the huge U.S. market today than Mylene ever was or could hope to be, but unfortunately, the U.S. is 5 years late on the Alizee phenomenon. If there was ever a foreign artist who could break into the U.S. charts with a non-English song like Nena did in the 80s, I'd put all my money on Alizee. And this whole premise that Mylene was solely responsible for the Alizee phenomenon is ridiculous. Mylene can groom 100 teen girls to sing the songs she produced for Alizee, and I highly doubt they could ever reach the appeal of Alizee. Who's to say Boutonnat wasn't responsible for Alizee's early success? Alizee put Mylene Farmer on the map for me, not the other way around. Anyway, I have no animosity towards Mylene and I don't think she's evil in leaving Alizee out in the cold. Enough rambling. Let's get back to Alizee's career.

I do agree that Alizee's singing career may be over. Alizee is not a musician. All of us know that she was trained as a dancer and not as a singer, but she is so talented that she seemed a natural at singing too. But singing is only half of the equation to good music. You need someone to put the lyrics and tunes together to go with the voice. Alizee doesn't have the background or experience in that part, and that is why her music career is floundering. I love Alizee's voice. It is very unique. If Alizee put together a CD of just cover songs of popular songs, I would buy it. I love her cover songs of Ella, Elle L'a, Il Jouait Du Piano Debout, and La Isla Bonita just as much or more than the Mylene/Boutonnat composed songs. So if Alizee can't find a good composer for her next album, I suggest she just buy the rights to some old classics and make a cover song album. I would buy it.

Another avenue that I wish Alizee would pursue is acting. I always thought she would make the perfect James Bond girl. Now that she is "legal" for us to ogle her as Bond's love interest, why not?!! Acting is not difficult especially with someone as talented as Alizee. She would be a natural. She already has the beauty and celebrity status, and that helps a long way. I would pay to see any movie that Alizee appears in. Well, maybe not a horror movie, unless Alizee is doing the killing.

So there are my 2 directions for Alizee's professional future. I hope Mylene left Alizee with some money from her first 2 albums and extensive tour. From reading items on the internet, it seemed Mylene was running a child slave labor camp with Alizee. Alizee does have a protective mom and dad, so I doubt that happened.

Last edited by JoeNY; 02-03-2011 at 03:25 PM..
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