Thread: 2011 Super Bowl
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Old 02-07-2011, 06:31 AM
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AceTone AceTone is offline
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A lot of problems with the audio: anthem at the beginning, the show at the half, and Joe Buck throughout the game.
-Of course she's gonna make a mistake when you go that slow. Sing it like it's supposed to be. If I can't sign along, you're doing it wrong.
-The half time show was terrible. They murdered everything, and I even had low expectations of the performance. Whoever was in charge of the sound seriously messed up.
-Joe Buck should head to golf, or at least just stick with baseball.

Also, those 5 early injuries made me question what that surface is made out of.

The game, though, was great. The Steelers even came back to make it more interesting.
A++. Would watch again, but not listen.

There were no funny commercials.
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