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Old 12-08-2006, 08:02 PM
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HibyPrime HibyPrime is offline
You actually read these?
Join Date: Aug 2006
Age: 34
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
IHowever, then we run into a problem if too many people share Hiby's attitude. Yeah, the higher quality and physical product are nice, but lots of people aren't so picky, and sooner or later digital downloads are gonna be able to match anything you can buy in a store.
You miss my point..

Even if the artist did get 100% of the CD's cover price, I still think it is stupid to buy a CD just to support the artist. I was mearly pointing out how little buying the disc helps. Again: I'm not saying don't buy the CD, I'm saying don't buy the CD to support the artist.

Let me say that in another way just incase the point wasn't clear: Buy the CDs. Buy them because the songs are good and you like them. Don't buy them to support the artist. Don't steal music. Obviously don't buy CDs with music you don't like..

Would you every buy windows just to support microsoft? Hell Fucking No. They do not need more money, and infact, the EU had the right mind when they fined MS for no real reason at all.. Most artists really don't need any more money, and the ones that do, will tell you that you should buy their CD because you like their music (assuming you do like their music), not because they want the money from you.

I would atleast have a lot more respect for the record industry if they would make their music readily downloadable, at a decent bitrate (192kbps mp3's or more), for a reasonable price.. They wont adapt to the changing market, they sue average people for thousands of dollars per song downloaded, and get away with it. It will be a cold day in hell when I buy a cd for any other reason that because I want to listen to it.

Sure, the artists deserve their money, the record companies do deserve their money, but why oh why do they really need that much of it? No, thats not a rhetorical question, give me one good reason why they need that much money. If they even spent the money on air that would atleast be better than the money sitting in their bank, going nowhere, being taken from people who will put the money to good use.

Of course, I must add a cliché: 99% of the world's money is owned by 1% of the population.

I know I'll be flamed from atleast a few people for this, but oh well...

Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
The point is the we, THE FANS, should not hurt her !
What is this hurting her you have been speaking of lately? Not giving her money causes her pain? Where the hell did that come from?

Any artist will tell you that they are happy people are enjoying their work, else they are a shitty artist.

Last edited by HibyPrime; 12-08-2006 at 08:06 PM..
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