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Old 03-02-2011, 12:48 AM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
@Roman, I think you make a good point here. I’ve been thinking about this too and here are some of my thoughts on the subject. ...
I think you elaborated the point well.

However, I guess if you all wanted to do something of the sort, how about thinking of it this way: create a list of the types of performances and/or products that you think would be great coming from Alizée and present that and say, we think we would like this; here are some ideas; just so you know.

But, after all I've seen, I think probably the best thing would have been if the fan forums had always kept it pretty light and fun with regard to Alizée and what they expect from her (even if doing serious collaboration amongst themselves). Trying to hard sell Alizée on things doesn't seem to work very well. Maybe she'd agree to a serious collaboration now if someone made a serious offer. But other than that, it should probably look like it's just for fun as far as looking like something that she is supposed to respond too.

That's sort of my take. I hope I'm being clear here. As you know, I could write ten pages on the subject but would probably be ever less clear.

Oh, and I'll just say that Alizée generally seems pretty risk averse to me from what little I can tell. So, if it seems really pie in the sky, don't count on it. She has always been uncertain about her career. Go back and watch the interviews. This last year she came off pretty certain at times, even said directly, I will have concerts, I promise (if my French is not too far off). I suppose that kind of presentation of certainty comes from desperation (why would she say something like that if there was a good chance it wouldn't happen? Our experience certainly suggested it was unlikely.). She said she was waiting for her band-mates to return, but still nothing ever happened. I think she has very little industry and fan support left. That makes it a bad time to risk time/money/effort. She has nothing left to preserve and a big hill to look up toward getting back on top (or even in the running). So, I think if she could make some relatively small effort that might "stick" and be a hit and really launch her, she'd be more inclined to do that sort of thing. I think that was her thought from the very beginning. But I'm just throwing guesses at the wind here. (no pun intended)

Sorry, but you see, that is what happens when I start thinking.

Merci Fanny
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