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Old 03-13-2011, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Oh please. She wasn't keeping her from anything. Mylene is way more successful than Alizee will probably ever be and thats because she listened to the people around her for a while. She also has fantastic marketing skills.

It really annoys me that so many people here act like Mylene is some sort of sadist or Stalin like dictator. I'm sure at the time, Alizee probably enjoyed being sexy. She was at an age where girls are just starting to explore their sexuality and become young women. They enjoy wearing provocative clothes and being flirty and teasing. As she got older, its obvious she started being influenced by her friends and boyfriend, and started doing the more adult rocker thing instead of the cute, sexy tease. People change, just because they were a certain way for a while doesn't mean that anyone was forcing them. She was a young girl trying to figure out who she was.
Not that I'm disagreeing with you really, but Alizée did say that Mylène wanting to play her too sexy was where the wedge between them started. She was under contract as well and has said that M&L demanded perfection. And for other reasons there is some basis for saying that she was forced by them to do certain things. But I think force is kind of a wrong term. Alizée wanted to be a big star and that what they gave her. Also, regardless of the disagreements that they eventually had which she eventually admitted to and what Alizée actually felt about various things (which I really can't figure out anymore as I no longer trust words uttered in an interview aimed at promoting an album), Alizée has only really ever expressed gratitude toward them for what they did for her. And she did send them her new album after they broke up, which certainly suggests that she wanted to continue an amicable relationship with them. I'm sorry that didn't work out. Maybe they didn't care about her anymore or maybe they were the ones hurt by the breakup. I don't know and can't jump to any conclusions and that's a private matter between them.

Nevertheless, Alizée has certainly given the impression of not being a person who is particularly inclined to do doing things that she does not want to do because someone told her to. She might actually be a bit too stubborn for her own good in fact. Again, I don't really know. There's so much in the way this industry works that prevents things from being clear. Humans in social situations tell big and small lies all the time, sometimes for personal gain, sometimes to avoid hurting someone else's feelings, sometimes to seem more consistent just because we all waiver more or less in our feelings at different times of the day/month/year.

If you are a fan of pre-2004 Alizée, I don't see how you can dislike Mylène Farmer (and Laurent?) in general. If you are just disappointed about how things turned out after that and are lashing out, well, how about we just let it go then?

By the way, I think JoeNY was being sarcastic, just joking anyway considering what he was responding to.

Merci Fanny
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