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Old 03-29-2011, 08:44 PM
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Alizée's Thug Life
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
.... French media labled this album a flop.
They didn't "label" it a flop, it WAS a flop. That is a fact. ( Unless you compare it to most electo albums, then it was a success, but I digress)

Do you think that's something they do lightly? There was no tour, no concerts. There are many awards presented by the music industry for all different types of music, not just main stream music. They often recognize artistic merit by non-mainstream artists. Did UEDS win anything? Are you trying to say the French media doesn't know what they are doing? Are you trying to say the French music establishment is too stupid to recognize artistic merit? Could it be that the album just wasn't that good?
As someone else in this thread already pointed out, I remember reading more than one UEDS review that praised it. As for "artistic merit"... I could give a rats ass. What matters to me is what I like. And I like UEDS. I also thought Beavis and Butthead was sheer genius. I think my opinion is awesome.

I realize you'r just saying " I believe Alizee is not suited to electro.........." to use as an example here and you probably don't believe that or maybe you do. But I just want to state that I don't think electro was necessarily a bad direction for her to go in. I think it was mainly a very poor choice of bands (CM) for her to hook up with and a concept album based on the life of Edie Sedgwick was also a wrong choice. She should have looked for more of a variety of electro music.
There can be very little argument, *sales-wise* that it was a poor decision. As others have pointed out, that means *nothing* artistically.

In essence what you are saying here is millions of people in France are ignorant. You're saying that these people have been imprinted by the Lolita and now they can't recognize a good song when they hear one.
YES! YES! YES! You get me.. You really get me! Most people are ignorant morons about most things. Music is no exception. I, myself am a ignorant moron about many things. This is all my opinon of course.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well isn't this comment belittling "To me and others its pretty "obvious" that much of the French public thinks of her as the "Lolita" or a Mylene puppet and won't accept her as anything else, no matter how good her work is." and didn't Deepwaters belittle the people of France by "implying" they might be ignorant.
Oh but in these cases, it's okay becuase it's in support of what you believe.
Yeah, it probably is belittling. Whatever. It's my OPINION, and I stated such. I never said it was FACT.

It is also my OPINION that Gourmandises and MCE music and the image associated with it is KIDS stuff, and Lilly shouldn't go back to it. She is worthy of so much more. Let talentless dolls like Britney Spears rehash former glory.... that's beneath Alizee.
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