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Old 05-15-2011, 11:58 PM
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Euphoria Euphoria is offline
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Euphoria is on a distinguished road

Well, it's not just her older work that has sexual connotations. There are plenty of sexual references and double entendres in Psychedelices and UEDS. I've never understood why it was so controversial to ignore the obvious sexuality in her songs, but it also seems as though some people are absolutely oblivious to it. Many times I've seen people discuss the lyrics of J'en ai marre as if it were truly about a girl with a goldfish swimming around her in the bathtub. It just seems odd to me when there is so much sexuality in the media.


Originally Posted by pepelepew View Post
I am not even slightlly interested in finding out how innocent or mature Alizee was at 15. I'm sure hanging out with MF/LB would have been next to impossible to not learn fast. I also assume that the innocent character of Alizee was necessary for the Lolita scheme to work. As a performer it is necessary to play whatever role is before you. I think that is why they are called performers. I believe Alizee is a great actress. I also believe for the most part her role as Lolita was tastefully done, and that Alizee was a strong influence in keeping it that way.
I have no problem Corsaire discussing anything sexual regarding Alizee as long as it is tastefully done in earnest. The only issue is that everyone has their own standards regarding taste and that is where friction may arise. So be it! I don't speak French, so I welcome any help interpreting songs, interviews etc.
The problem is that some of the references are quite well, tasteless. At least I think the majority of people here would find them to be too raunchy for discussion, which is why I have avoided it in the past. When the puns are clearly overtly sexual, how is one supposed to know how appropriately sugar coat the meaning? Why do we have to sugar-coat it at all when it is impertinent to understanding the song?

Last edited by Euphoria; 05-15-2011 at 11:58 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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