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Old 12-10-2006, 09:48 PM
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Kebab Kebab is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 13
Kebab is on a distinguished road

I listen to a bunch of foreign music. Mainly this band called Parokya ni Edgar and another band of the same language, Eraserheads. Harana by Parokya ni Edgar which translates into Seranade. I've been listening to them since I was a kid since I was born in the Philipines and moved to America 5 or 6 years ago? lol anyways Freebird by SMAP. Japanese song, don't understand but good party beat :P Fly by Epik High. Korean song, again another good party beat lol. Wait for it to come to 1:28 because the intro is quite long and boring -_-.

Then Alizee ofcourse.

Other than those songs, I pretty much listen to some Classics like Zeppelin, Who, Floyd, Doors, Beatles, a few pop/indie/rap/dance songs come in there too because dancing is fun. Christmas music is most recent in my playlist right now though
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