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Old 07-26-2011, 02:44 PM
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translation by Roman:

Originally Posted by Roman
God that took long enough to get out there! Et voilà, mon interprétation :

... best I could do in one sitting. I guess it helps that I've heard a lot of this in other interviews before.
FYI: (parenthesis) are used to add words that I think clarify. {braces and [brackets] are essentially for my comments}

Talents Aiguilles met with Alizée on the occasion of the release of her new concept album. The little Lolita grew up and it's with Une Enfant du Siècle that she leaves the variété (something like French pop) to explore electro-pop.

Why "Une Enfant du Siècle"?
Simply because I am a child of the century, a child ... in any case a person who fits well in her era, in her sneakers {Ed. you know, if the shoes fit, wear them?} and it's maybe also Edie Sedgewick who came often to this album who [something] very young. And maybe also everyone who will listen to this album.

Fifty-Sixty written by Jean Fauque. So, he talks about Andy Warhol and his young models from the 1970s and 80s {Ed. not sure why she said that. Warhol was what, fifties/sixties?, uh...} Yeah, it's thanks to this song that everything started, in any case that I met David Rubato who is one of the producers of the (music) label Institubes {Ed. which I think is mixing of words suggesting instant hits} and from whom I met Jean-René Etienne who presented to me the producer and who had the idea to release an album a bit different revolving around The Factory.

A new Alizée?
I don't have the impression of being contrary to what I had put out before, what I had done before, that this album is contrary to Moi... Lolita for example. Yeah, I think it's just an album that presents my 25 years (of age). Inevitably I grew up and evolved; my tastes have changed. It's the continuation of Psychédélices and the next album will be a continuation of Une Enfant du Siècle.

Edie S.?
She's not my ideal because Edie Sedgewick for example, had a life the opposite of mine. Because she was into drugs and died from that moreover. I'm not at all into that. But still, I think one can like people who are not necessarily models (for how to live or whatever).

New York Grand Central?
Grand Central, yeah, it's the moment in the story of the album in the novel where I arrive in New York, I discover this station and see Edie Sedgewick.

{interlude of Les Collines (Never Leave You)}
It's the single that well represents the album. One can listen to it and then listen to the album and not be disappointed. Often I listen to the single of an artist and it does not correspond at all to the rest of the album. So, I don't think people will be diverted when they listen to the album.

{interlude of Les Collines again}
Yeah, it's a flight, a departure in any case where I leave New York even if I do like/love it, I love this city. I think in life we leave people, places, things, but we like them still.

A performance? A concert tour?
Yes, we're expecting that, in any case it's the next stage after the release of the album. A tour at the end of the year in France and Latin America.

Your career?
I think I've had luck in my career. I've had luck anyway to sing, in this vocation, surrounded by the biggest French producers, who taught me this vocation. And I am proud and happy to still be here ten years later.

Mylène (Farmer)? (and her cohorts, in any case Laurent Boutonnat)
I think they are the best of schools because they are very professional and ultimately, from the 80s, who remains? Mylène Farmer.

Julien Doré?
I really liked his televised performance because I was very surprised anyway pleasantly surprised, less enticed by the studio version which was not as well produced, which I liked less, but I thought the wink (to my break-out hit) was nice.

Madonna has always been there. It's thanks to La Isla Bonita that I have a following in Mexico. And I've returned to that with this album with the famous cover of Like a Virgin. {Didn't quite get what she said after that. Something about that she thinks someone won't like it maybe but still, it's a model. (i.e. Alizée posed in a replica of Madonna's Like a Virin cover for the magazine Technikart - January 2010}

The gays?
I think they are a good audience (or following) and it's lucky to have them. The are faithful. And I think that's the most important thing in the life of an artist, to have a faithful following that likes your music, that likes you simply put.

In Mexico? Simply, thanks to a song, La Isla Bonita, that I sang in France around seven years ago, that was posted on the Internet and from that the Mexicans saw me and found out who I was and came to know my songs... and my previous album was released there on the same day as in France. The new album is also being released in Mexico, over there. And I already did a concert tour there, I have a following waiting for me. It's cool to be able to represent France or more precisely to sing in French.

Yes, I have a bunch of tattoos. The why? Why do I have tattoos? It's a question I don't really think about much. It's perhaps the stage in my life, that marks the stages in my life and it gives personality to the body as well. I have a Tinkerbell that is my guardian angel, I have my daughter on my arm. One just must know how to stop, I know that. Because once one has a taste for it, one wants to have several.

Pink TV?
Pink TV ... that relates to a portion of my fans who were there since the beginning and who I hope will follow me... for as long as possible.

By the way, talons aiguilles means high heals and sounds almost the same as talents aiguilles. Voilà, le jeu de mots--word play.
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