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Old 08-06-2011, 10:04 PM
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Junkmale Junkmale is offline
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Age: 60
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Why not think about taking this a whole lot further?
If the main aim is giving something to a worthy cause then perhaps we should consider doing something on a more regular basis?
A Fan Club i used to be a member of many years ago sponsered a child (i think he was from Dominican Republic?). We did so in the name of the artist we represented as fans. Therefore leaving a lasting legacy in that artists name.
It's not actually all that expensive and all it would take is a commitment of a few dollars/Euros/Pounds whatever per month to make it happen? It would depend on how many were interested.
It wouldn't take that many members to commit to the idea to make it happen and to pledge to it?
Just think we could, if we wanted, sponser a needy child somewhere in the world under the name of AAm.
I can think of nothing more worthwhile for members to commit to?
Just an idea obviously?
Does it make any sense?

It's something i was thinking of doing over at my own site (until it's untimely collapse!)

Last edited by Junkmale; 08-06-2011 at 10:10 PM..