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Old 09-09-2011, 03:42 PM
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Alizée dreamer
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
No, women don't love and crave attention like that. A random compliment? Sure, but when you're constantly being complimented on your looks, it's really annoying.
OK fair enough but this is an Alizée fan forum where we can share our thoughts with each other. This is just one thread but nonetheless there will always be posts/threads in regard to how beautiful she is.. but at the same time there will always be posts/threads dedicated to her carreer, her songs, her performances, her merchandise, her interviews. her concerts, her family, etc, etc, etc.

You do speak as if Alizée is actually reading all our posts though and you're just speculating that she would be annoyed or saddened by it. Sheesh to be frank I've seen total lack of respect from some people towards Alizée on these boards from time to time and I believe she would be more concerned about that.

Well besides sucking up too much of her time, hopefully she's either been too busy having fun with other things such as family and friends than to come here reading all our so called "crap" as you put it.

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
She's not just a pretty face. Women have talents and personalities (pretty sure you're aware of Alizee's) but when men constantly fawn over your looks, sometimes it makes you feel a little sad inside, because it seems that's all men see. Women are more creeped out by this behavior than you'd realize. Trust me.
Yeah this might well be true for many woman. Well the reason why I still follow Alizée is because she is special to me. I discovered this beautiful angel back in November 2001 and since that fateful day I've been dedicated to her ever since.

Seriously if I was shallow enough to only be interested in Alizée because of her looks I would've lost interest in her many years ago! EVERYTHING about her captured my heart and I'm sure many others here feel the same too.

Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur