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Old 09-09-2011, 09:41 PM
SlipshodDread SlipshodDread is offline
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Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
I'm gonna give you guys the benefit of the doubt that you are talking to girls in person when you "compliment" them. That being said, this is a completely different environment. Alizée can't slap you if you're being inappropriate, intrusive or just being a creep. And that's great for you because you can decide what you think is appropriate or disregard that notion altogether. In person she would have the option of dealing with you.

Combine this and all the other forums, the social networking sites, the youtube clips and then add up all the comments about and directed at her. Take a guess at what most of those comments would be about. It is not unreasonable to think that Alizée would be sick of hearing the word "hot", especially since it is not a word usually used in a respectable context.

Take all of the people who made those comments or all of the people who are yet to and line them up at her front door to give their "compliment" one by one. I don't think it is unreasonable to think she would get tired and disgusted very quickly. She wouldn't have time to do anything the rest of her life - even with all the guys that wouldn't show up out of shame and not having the stones to back up even a fraction of what they say online.
That hypothetical situation is point less.

I think she knows exactly what a lot of men comment about when speaking of her, and I doubt she gives two shits. Firstly because she is (As far as we do know and as far as it matters to any of us) happily married with a child that she absolutely adores.

Secondly, she doesn't have to read or be confronted with the comments. Do you really think she reads all the comments on her statuses on her facebook page? The golden rule for a celebrity is "to never read anything about yourself". Somehow I doubt she watches videos on youtube of her own performances, considering that she was the one performing in them. So she would not see the comments anyway.

Creeping would be closer to seeking her out in Paris or even worse in Ajaccio, or following her, rather than make comments about her. No one is saying anything they would like to do to her, just talking about her. I think the general consensus about Alizée among men is fairly obvious.

Also Alizée does not (or at the very least pretends not to) speak much English. So I doubt she is going to spend much time reading an English language forum or English comments on videos if she ever did actually watch herself on youtube (again hypothetically, because apparently we are allowed to make useless hypothetical situations now).

Also I am not one of the people who follows her daily life and has to have every piece of Alizée merchandise and photos etc. I find it wrong when people make comments about finding her private profile or looking at it. That to me is a bit too far. I am generally neutral in this argument, but so far all I see is a load of unproductive bull.
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Henry David Thoreau