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Old 09-10-2011, 06:13 PM
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Mr. Mike
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Pretty sure I already said that a random compliment is nice, but a thread like this is so unnecessary considering there's others just like it. It's great you think she's attractive, but saying you can't date other girls because they don't compare to Alizee is pathetic and inappropriate. It makes me think a lot of male Alizee fans have an unrealistic view of her. You can't tell me the stuff you see on here is actually appropriate.

I went to go get coffee a few days ago and this guy stopped me in the street.
"Can I go with you?"
"I'm just getting coffee"
"want a ride?"
"No thanks, I like exercise"
"Why? You don't need it"
"I like the fresh air"
"You got a boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I do...bye"
"I won't tell him!"

Honestly, it ruined my morning. So many guys think they're charming when they're not.
Im sorry that ruined your day but why would you let yourself get upset over something like that ... its not worth your time. That "I wont tell him" line was not something he should of said but still you should look at him wanting to get to know you as a complement to yourself. No need to get upset about it.