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Old 10-13-2011, 04:41 PM
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Euphoria Euphoria is offline
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Euphoria is on a distinguished road

Cosmetic surgery is almost always done out of pure vanity. There is a small percentage of people who do it for reasons such as cleft palates, but that is a birth defect and can affect feeding, speech production and how your face grows. If you're seriously comparing plastic surgery to a bone graft, then you're not very intelligent. A bone graft can save someone's life whereas nobody needs a tit job or liposuction. Plastic surgery is barbaric because people go through excruciating pain for the sole purpose of trying to be more attractive.

I find tattoos unattractive and archaic because we have been a civilized society for hundreds of years now and we should be trying to move away from such barbaric practices. All primitive cultures have some form of body art. We are rapidly regressing into a less and less sophisticated society.

Everything changes in your life - your location, your job, your political and religious beliefs, even our personalities. Why would you subject yourself to something that is so permanent? Deep down, everyone does it to look cool and stand-out from the crowd. You end up looking like another sheeple though because tattoos are becoming the norm. Do something productive with your money.
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