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Old 10-19-2011, 03:55 PM
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Default Interesting conversation with a young woman in France.

Well I'm on vacation in France.............................again. I arrived in Paris monday morning, drove down to the Chateau du Chambord in the Loire valley, then drove down to St-Nazaire where I spent 2 nights. I chose St Nazaire because I'm a WW 1 and 2 history buff and I it was the site of a famous commando raid to blow up the dry dock. It also has several U boat pens.

At the hotel I stayed at, there was a young woman, I'd say about 25 +/- 3 who was minding the desk, running the bar which was empty and helping out with the restaurant which was close to being empty. I asked if I could get a beer or 2 in the bar and she said, mais oui! Actually her English was pretty decent and we talked for quite a while.

One thing we talked about was sports. She said she had played basketball as a young girl and was a big fan of it. She knew America was famous for it but knew none of the teams. Well you just knew eventually I would bring up the subject of Alizee and I did. I asked her about Alizee and she knew Moi Lolita very well, but suprisingly couldn't remember J'en ai marre.
But she described Alizee as a very young, very sexy singer. When I talked last year to a Lufthansa flight attendant who was born in France about Alizee, she too described her songs as being very sexual.

But as was the case with several people I've met in France in the past few years and this is something I've heard several other people mention,and that is that most people in France have no idea that Alizee is still singing.
I told the young woman at the hotel about the autograph session last year and I told her about AAm, but that was pretty much the end of the conversation about Alizee.

The next day, I drove up to Lorient to see the U boat pens there and a French submarine they have on display. As luck would have it, I must have entered the wrong location into my gps and wound up at the waterfront, but with the U boat pens no where in sight. Well I saw a young man, I'd say 27 +/-5 standing next to a sail boat. I asked him if he spoke English and if he knew where the U boat pens were. He did speak English and he said he was going over there in his boat with his freind and asked me to come along. Well that was the chance of a lifetime so I jumped on board.Once again the topic turned to Alizee. Both of them were well aware of her, but once again, had no idea, she was still singing.

Well I found that depressing. I returned to the same hotel in St Nazaire to spend the night. I had 2 busy days behind me and wanted to get to bed early but I wanted to get some internet work done first, but I couldn't get on line. So I brought my laptop down to the bar and once again no one else was there except for the woman working the bar and being another slow night, she seemed happy to have someone to talk to. Well I told her about my net problems and nothing she did seemed to fix it.

So we gave up on that and I showed her the tv episode of the autograph session in Paris. Then my curiousity kind of got to me and I so I showed her some other Alizee videos and asked her if she had ever heard them. I showed her Tempete, Amelie m'a dit and Coeur deja pris ( the video I had put together) and you could literally see her jaw hit the floor. She was amazed. She had no idea Alizee had sung such beautiful songs Could that be the problem in France? So much was done to promote the sexy side of Alizee, they didn't know she had such a beautiful side to her singing.

Well I told her I'd send her a Celtics jersey and a DVD and cd with Alizee's more beautiful songs on them.

Funny thing is when I got back to my hotel room, my internet connection worked just fine.
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