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Old 12-02-2011, 11:46 AM
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WhiteFeather WhiteFeather is offline
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Originally Posted by mzracing76 View Post
Wow, who is this dude, complaining about spending $20 on a dvd that he didnt like, lol. In the days of Youtube, Facebook, and other ways to check out things, this bought a dvd without checking her out first. What a moron. Why not watch the enconcert episodes on youtube before making a purchase you dumb**** ?

You cost yourself money on your own, we didnt convince you of anything, in the end, people are responsable for their own actions. The onlg thing we did was convince you to check out a French Pop Star, much less something new that you dont see everyday.

But to come online, on a Alizee Message Board, none the less and voice such strong negative language about a purchase, a performance, a singer you hate, shows to everyone just how much class you realy have. You my friend appear to be a typical leftwing nitwit.

We dont need you, thanks for playing.

Maybe you should look closer at the post...

Look for the "Highlights".

Don't "Quote" me on it.

...Highlight the post....


Last edited by WhiteFeather; 12-02-2011 at 11:57 AM..
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