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Old 12-02-2011, 12:46 PM
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WhiteFeather WhiteFeather is offline
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Since I don't want anyone else to flip out over a joke, here is what I really felt about it. Note: this is the invisible text from the same post.

Anything visible is a blatant lie.

Very well put togethter DVD. The sound quality as well as video is leaps and bounds over Youtube. Totally worth the $20. Overall, my favorite performance so far is Toc De Mac, but that is subject to change. I can't believe I've been missing out on this for all this time.

You're probably wondering why I wrote it invisible. It's because I can and I wanted to. (And to see who actually checks for invisible writing).
Sorry if I offended anyone with that.
I kinda figured someone would get suspicious over a large blank space, but I guess not...
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