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Old 12-21-2011, 02:47 AM
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Taxi Driver Aaron Taxi Driver Aaron is offline
Take me to Lilly Town
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Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
I don't know about elsewhere in the country, but at least in Colorado, generally all right turns have their own special lane with a curved turn and a merge lane (pretty nifty eh? Never have to wait to take a right turn).

Problem is, I hate it when people don't realize that when you're in the merge lane, you're supposed to wait your fucking turn to merge. Either you slow down slightly so you can weasel in, or if traffic is really bad you stop your car. Can't tell you how many people I've caused to slam their brakes and flip me off because I refuse to let them ignore this concept.

tl;dr - If I'm going straight, and you're in the merge lane next to me, and you're generally parallel to me, you're supposed to slow down and merge in behind me as I have the right of way. If you're a few car lengths ahead of me and you're going the proper speed, I have no problem letting you in. If you're like a foot ahead of me and you try to speed up to get ahead of me... I have but two words for you: good luck.

(in reference to the mail lady (I'm technically rural, so mail people have to drive their own cars rather than the mail trucks for whatever reason) who refuses to believe this. At our one intersection (I live in a small town), there's been two occurences where I'm going straight and she's turning right to go my direction. She fails to see the issue of us both going the legal speed and her refusal to understand the normal lane > merge lane hierarchy.)

(also, she looks like this. Not even kidding)

Ha ha ha! The mail lady! That is funny!

We don't have merging right turn lanes as much in Arizona, but we do have a few. The problem is, people fail to notice when they have them here and they hesitate to turn and merge into oncoming traffic! That, too, pisses me off! If you have your own lane, you DO NOT have to wait to turn!... idiots!!!

And I agree with what you said about merging. Hell, the definition of merging is to gradually blend, unite, combine, etc. and not "to pass oncoming traffic," "drive slow into oncoming traffic," or anything else that does not constitute a gradual blend.

Sometimes, I can just see when someone is zipping down the merging lane and there is nobody behind me, but they are on a mission to pass me as they merge... when I see this, it pisses me off to the point to where I become an a$$ and I'll just straddle both lanes to force them behind me. There is no reason to speed up to 85+ MPH to try and pass ahead of me when there is nobody behind me. Especially when it's a one-lane road and after they put all that extra effort to be in front of me, they slow down to a crawl for 10 miles and then, without signalling, they come to a complete F*cking stop before making a right turn into a side-road ... way to go.. d*mb*ss!!! People that stop before turning should have their license revoked.
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009

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