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Old 12-31-2011, 03:03 AM
wasabi622 wasabi622 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jalen View Post
lol @ "eye-fucking"

I don't see what a gym provides that you can't already get for free outdoors... just run around and try and move big rocks and shit
Weights really. If I had enough room in my apartment for a bench, big mirror, and one of the bowflex dumbbells, I'd never go to a gym again. Dumbbells help isolate muscle groups, whereas doing body weight workouts, while great exercises, focuses on the larger muscle groups.

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
Bahaha. Cue gym rant.

I go to the gym during the summer, and I know that when I go the possibility of encountering a douchebag is increased by 79.9% (even for me! I don't know if the species "common douchebag" is incapable of telling when a girl is underage or if they just don't care). So I pretty much just get in, do what I came in to do, and get the hell out asap. I think most normal women do the same.

I usually do treadmill. I'm not trying to sound vain but it's just a fact, I have long legs and they're toned from marching band. I always wear track shorts because those are comfortable. And guys always come up to me and tell me how nice they think my legs are, and give me plenty of looks. I can't be sure they're "eye-fucking" me, but they still look and it's irritating. I'm just trying to build leg strength and work on my sick calves, bro, there is nothing entertaining happening here.

I think next season I will try this:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

OH! And something that makes me angry is when you see women at the gym with like, an expensive-looking "cute" velvet sweatsuit with "Juicy" across the rear just kinda walkin around, just being there. They might read a magazine on the treadmill, lift a few weights, but they generally just don't do much of anything. They are obviously fishing for men and it's an embarrassment.

That's what I've noticed. I've rarely seen a woman lift at the gym. Most of them are either stretching or doing some form of cardio. Not that I'm complaining. It's nice to have some significant source of estrogen around all the sweaty testosterone

Thankfully though, I go to the university gym, so nothing underage there.

Honestly though, I figured they were there for the attention.

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