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Old 01-27-2012, 04:31 PM
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lefty12357 lefty12357 is offline
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I've also been wondering about the time she is spending in Ajaccio. I wonder if this is something new, or has she been having extended stays in Ajaccio on a regular basis for a number of years? We are aware of it now because of her tweets. But back before all this tweeting, it wasn't so transparent how she divided her time between Ajaccio and Paris.

I think once she is in promo again, she won't be getting back to Ajaccio much, at least for a while. If I had to guess, I think maybe the record company has had more to do with the production of this album. I may have misunderstood, but it sounded to me like she went to the record company to listen to the mixes. I believe the last 2 albums were just the opposite, she brought the mixes to them to review. At some point Alizée will probably fill us in during an interview. I guess time will tell, and like I say, I'm just guessing.
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