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Old 02-21-2012, 12:38 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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pepelepew is on a distinguished road

Blasted! Why didn't Alizee take a picture of her eating alphabet soup and spell the answer to our mysteries in the bowl. Damn those stick people,cloud,star, napkin and her name lol! It's all her fault lol! Yes, that's it, she is allowing her fans to experience the frustration, fears and confusion she has been feeling for some time. That is the cryptic message she has been trying to send. I'm relieved. I hate the taste of lobster. They are the roaches of the sea you know. Or is that crabs? No I am not suggesting that Alizee has ... never mind!
All kidding aside, I hope Alizee is ok and everything turns out the best for her and hers. I think I can safely say, " We love you Alizee".
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