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Old 02-22-2012, 07:17 PM
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Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
I don't have a problem with feminists when they are actually fighting for equality in countries where women are denied basic human rights. But when they nitpick over the most asinine issues, in countries where they are already treated like equals, that's when I have a problem.
Making a distinction between married and unmarried women on legal documents is an artifact from a time when women legally didn't have as many rights as men. That should be removed. Why do you have a problem with this? You're making it an issue. When someone suggests this should be taken off of legal documents, your response should be "yeah, take it off, IDGAF" not "this is a stupid idea."

Men and women might have the same legal rights, but there's isn't full social equality. If you think there's no more progress to be made then you're mistaken.

This issue is an example of that. Removing a simple checkbox from legal documents won't hurt anyone; it's in the interest of equality, and it will only serve to make some people feel better, yet you feel you have the right to say "No. Don't do it. You already have all the rights you deserve." …FOR NO REASON. No reason other than to preserve an antiquated tradition, or just to prevent them from getting what they want.

Why would you have a problem with this? Why? Talk about nitpicking over asinine issues. Something's going to change, it's not going to hurt anyone or affect YOU in any way whatsoever, so just deal with it.
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