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Old 04-20-2012, 07:40 PM
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Toc De Mac Toc De Mac is offline
Paris féerique
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Hey FRA, I'd be interested to see how that mathematical model was constructed. Do you know if there is any background info online about it?

To me, upon simple observation it seems pretty evident that humans have a potentially large role to play in changing the Earth's climate, when we look at how many billions of people there are on the planet combined with energy usage, especially in industrialized countries... One of the more convincing pieces of information that I've come across in my classes is the data from the Vostok ice cores, seen below:

Yes, correlation does not imply causation, but the trend is pretty well established over the past 400,000 years: increased CO2 levels correspond to increases in temperature. The fact that we seem to understand how CO2 chemically acts to produce the greenhouse effect makes the case more convincing. And all the more frightening, since, according to this data, CO2 has historically cycled between 200-280ppm, and right now we are at a seemingly unprecedented 390ppm.
D'où est, d'où vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

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