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Old 04-21-2012, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
That is true! Though we guys have an image too it involves more with a physical image than a possession image. Also a reason women spend more than man is because they have to since their items are more expensive and two they have a lot more to buy! Women have to buy shoes (and not just a few pairs like men), dresses, skirts, pants, lingerie (including bras, panties, stockings, and various other combinations of it that these bastard fashion designers can think of), shirts and blouses, make-up, earnings, other jewelery haircare products, personal hygiene products, and perfume! Lets see did I forget anything? I know my girlfriend was running me dry with all this spending we were doing and I don't really blame her, it is what women are expected to buy (I will not get into the reasons). They also dont just do this to impress men, but they do it to impress other women as well; they want to feel more confident and prestigious hence the very definition of pretentious. "MOST" WOMEN ARE PRETENTIOUS! Not saying it is a bad thing but it is a characteristic trait of women, we men have our many too .... so im not just bashing women. Some men can be pretentious as well though I think it is far more common in women. Also a funny statement, men who are pretentious generally do better with the ladies!

Eurpohia, if you were making as much money as Alizee you would be doing the same thing! Though this does not make her or you not "down to earth!"
Honestly, you have no idea what you're talking about.