Thread: E3 2012
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Old 06-05-2012, 11:07 PM
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Even tomb raider I'm not really excited about. I wanted to be, but It just doesn't look like anything new game wise...just new to tomb raider....if that makes sense.

Last of us looks fantastic. The reason the "infected" are around is an awesome one, and other humans are really the main enimes of the game. Plus it's Naughty Dog who is making the game....I can't really go wrong with that.

I'll admit I'm not a big fan of the AC series, but that only because I'm not a big fan of the time period they take place in. Revolutionary war would be quite interesting to see, as would a western setting. An Assassin with duel six shooters? Yes please or maybe a ancient Japanese setting. Samurai era. But I don't know the story of the games, so maybe hat wouldn't work out.

I think Jalen should PM me a list of major events I need to know about before heading into AC III.
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