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Old 06-15-2012, 02:06 AM
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user472884 user472884 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Art Garfunkel's hair.
Age: 30
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user472884 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
-When I see a really funny picture and think I want to share it or post it somewhere, and then I notice the 9GAG watermark on the bottom and feel ashamed at enjoying content from 9gag.
Don't feel ashamed, anything on 9gag was taken from another, good website so you're not really looking at "9gag's content" per se

Kinda like even if the box says "Slanket", you just bought a Snuggie

Originally Posted by Rictor View Post
- When someone honks at you for going too slow even though they're literally half a block away and nowhere near you yet. Solution? GO EVEN SLOWER TO PISS THEM OFF. YEAH. YOU LIKE THAT? NO? OKAY HOW ABOUT I REALLY TURTLE IT AT 20 MPH? YEAH. YOU'LL THINK TWICE BEFORE HONKING AT ME AGAIN, PUNK. hehehe
The road leading to my neighborhood from town starts off as a three lane deal, and over the course of maybe a quarter mile or so it merges from three lanes to two, and then to one (the one lane pretty much being two lanes without a line for another quarter mile)

It's rare that someone doesn't try to "go out of turn" and speed up past me just to get in front of me... so I've mad a habit of either running them off the road (You don't fuck with me, my Jeep, or my balls. The four of us will win every single time) or forcing them behind me while I go fifteen under the 55 limit (and it is both illegal and extremely difficult to pass people on that road)

It makes me feel like a god, I control their speed, I control their destiny.
Be the leaf.
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