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Old 06-16-2012, 11:36 PM
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Azhiri Azhiri is offline
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Azhiri is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
I disagree on that. The reason I respected her so much is because she branched out into the music she wanted to make, rather than what she is doing right now which will likely be traditional pop.

I had no problem with her albums not doing so good because she did it her way and wasn't puppet lolita part 2 like so many wanted her to be...and still would want her to be if she hadn't got all the tattoo's. If the tattoo's are for that purpose my respect meter goes way up again since those fans have been so rude over the years being side-seat driving wannabe career managers thinking they know more about her than she does.
I was talking about Madonna in the first part of that post, not Alizee. I think with Psyche, Alizee had a good balance of music that was what she wanted with a personal touch, and also very marketable... if only the actual marketing had been handled a little better. UEdS I appreciated because I thought it was a great album and I liked that Alizee was keeping her artistic integrity rather than selling out to make something manufactured.. the subject material meant something to her and it was great.

With her newest album I guess Sony will be calling the shots. If she has any input at all, I hope she makes it as Alizee-ish as possible while still making it marketable, like I said... pop can still be original and truly great if the right people are behind it. I think her team's first priority is to make money, and if the album doesn't sell well we may not see much more from her.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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