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Old 06-30-2012, 11:41 AM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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alizeefan is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by JoeNY View Post
I have said all along that Alizee would have been very successful in the U.S. during the Mylene Farmer years...had Americans even known she existed. And even though Alizee had dozens of French TV appearances during her heyday from 2001 to 2003, it seems Alizee never really captured the French market. Even today, it seems the French do not know her or dismiss her.
She coulda shoulda woulda been the new sex sells with ML et al controversy back in the day . My guess there is she may have wished to be alike Britney/Madonna but after seeing the success in France and the issues that go along with it a change of mind came with that . I feel she is happy with the success then and now . Of course she wants to be profitable but at this point that happens whens he signs the contract and gets the check long before anything is even released . . .

Originally Posted by JoeNY View Post
But look at Youtube, and you'll see Alizee has thousands of videos posted by fans with tens of millions of views - more than any big-name French artist I can think of. Then you read the glowing comments - mostly in English or Spanish as well as Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, and even Arabic. Noticeably absent are French fans. And the few French comments I read are derogatory and dismissive. It's the same pattern on Alizee's Facebook. This pattern is the exact opposite of any French artist I've seen on Youtube where most of the comments are in French including Mylene Farmer.
To me that is just a French attitude thing , you almost have to be from France to understand it . Kinda like how the French get a bad rap in the US for the attitude , personally i love it but most will never get it . It isn't easy to capture the initial success she attained , after all MF probably worked on that stuff for years waiting for the right person to represent . Most of what you are reading is a very small percent of the actual numbers . People with nothing better to do than rag on someone at FB/YT and so on , looking for that magic of the initial success to be repeated . That is never going to happen in my honest opinion for the reasons above . Simply put she doesn't want it and is happy how things are or she wouldn't be doing it at all .

Originally Posted by JoeNY View Post
My point is that Alizee seems to have that "it" factor which makes her extremely appealing to people outside of France. It would be a mistake for Sony to ignore her following in the U.S. and Mexico as well as South America, Asia, and Europe. Most artists would kill to capture a piece of the American market which is 5 times the size of the French market (330+ million to 60+ million). It would be alot easier to sell a million CDs to 300 million people than 50 million much less the fact that the 300 million will probably be more receptive to her than those 50 million in her home country. So my marketing strategy for Sony.... in 2 words: F@#! France
Most artists aren't her and never will be , most want to be the new JB . .
Does she really want that super fame ? I doubt it . France is her home , say you were all of a sudden the new JB . Then someone/so-ny told you . . . Well you don't sell well in NY so we aren't going to promote you there and you wont perform any shows there . Let's just focus on all the other states . You'd be like F U and everyone who looks like you ! I'm playin NY !

I'd love nothing better for her to do an all English album and become the next Madonna in popularity . Then again when i sum it all up , i kinda love having this relatively unknown to most lil French superstar all to myself or better yet to say ourselves . All part of her most wonderful charming mystique .

The only way i ever see her becoming this worldwide famed success would be - it takes money to make money . She would have to hire the right people to produce and perform the music . Such as pay the JB's , Madonnas , Britney , Jimmy Page , Ozzy ____ fill in the blank - millions to make some masterpiece . There is a reason Hollywood pays superstars the multi-millions to star in the productions because the name/s alone will promote and sell tickets , vids and so on . Does she really want that ? I doubt it or it would happen . . .

France is her home so she needs it forever , the success to me is in completion of the projects and continuation of a fabulous career - not measured by sales numbers and world wide concert tours .
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