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Old 07-08-2012, 06:10 AM
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Azhiri Azhiri is offline
Dream always and all ways.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Gulf Coast USA
Age: 28
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Azhiri is on a distinguished road

-skyrim rant, spoilers ahead guyz-

The Blades!

Okay, so I finally got my Skyrim disc back out and made a new character. I'm at the point where I've just been informed by Delphine that she and Esbern want me to kill Paarthurnax, and if I don't do it they won't help me anymore.

Let's think about that for a second. On one hand you have Paarthurnax, a dragon who is older than the hills and is generally a bro to you throughout your travels, always nice and helpful and like an old mentor. He did some bad stuff in the past but after his evil brother was banished he went off to meditate and taught the Greybeards some cool stuff like the Way of the Voice and the balance of life and power. He obviously has the self-control to resist the natural dragon urge to be evil and all-powerful and has helped mortals tremendously to boot. And now that the dragons are coming back and everything is chaotic he even wants to show the other dragons how to play nice and live in peace with the mortals in Skyrim.

Then you have Delphine and Esbern, the aging last members of a long-dead line of warriors who carry extreme prejudice against all dragons. They have no experience in their own line of work seeing as this is the first time dragons have been out and about in hundreds of years, not to mention one is a recluse who hides in the damn sewers of one of the worst cities ever (I think the only place I hated more than Riften was Markarth) and the other is in hiding, playing innkeeper in a backwoods village. From the first time you meet them they manipulate you, the Dragonborn, literally a gift from the gods themselves, for their own selfish means, making you drag your ass all over Skyrim while they sit in some ruins doing nothing just because they hate dragons. In fact, after all you did for them, when they have the nerve to ask you to kill your dragon bro, their reasoning for wanting 'Nax dead (the good dragon who will be INSTRUMENTAL in taking down the big evil one who's making the bad things happen in the first place) is that he happens to be a dragon and we hate dragons so yeah, get on that or you're out of the club.

Paarthurnax is worth billions of Delphines and Esberns so he will live, thanks.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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