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Old 07-20-2012, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
Dang, this thread is like a rock and a hard place for me.
I'm gonna have to go with Psych still, as my favorite because of the diversity it has, it reminds me of Thriller a bit, which has a taste of rock, funk as well as ballads in it. I like the different sounds they both have. Though I agree also that the more consistent, uniform-ness of UEDS is great in a way as well. As I said I'm going to go for Psych, but watch out, the scale is still adjusting, you never know if UEDS might come out on top later on.
(Psych by the way is my favorite Lilly album, UEDS and MCE tied for second)

I was looking back at the albums so far and I remembered this thread, and it's interesting that UEDS did end up the favorite over Psych. My answer is still the same, Psych has for a long long time been my favorite album of hers, though that could change with her upcoming one. Has anybody changed their minds since then?

Edit: Also, what do the newer members think?
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