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Old 07-23-2012, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
Mods this is all going on you for not keeping tabs on the shooting thread or else being biased and letting the rule breaking go on. You realize how this place looks when you close threads like that right?

The absolute worst thing you can do is close down threads after you fail to do your job. If you were effective there wouldn't be threads getting locked in the first place. You are no different than school teachers who can't or don't care about keeping their class under control and only wait until a few people have taken things too far then take away the rights of the entire class.

You let people talk just enough to express their views then close the threads with NOTHING being resolved and that's why it carries naturally from thread to thread. If there was one or two threads about core subjects that we could actually calm down and discuss without the need or rush to get in our 10 cents before it's closed then things would go a lot better.

Being suppressed brings out the worst in people. Have any of the mods thought to consider that? If you can't keep an important thread like the theater shooting one open you might want to consider you are the top problem instead of us. Most of us can express ourselves very clearly without vulgarity if actually given the chance in an area for the subject matter.
The owner of this site has set the rules, one of which is no political or religious discussion. So for both mods and members, this rule is really not something we can change. Personally, I agree with the rules of the forum in their current form. The owner of this site has also given the mods some guidelines on how the rules are to be enforced. We try to follow his recommendations as best we can. So please keep in mind that each mod must make judgement calls and these will undoubtedly be, by nature, somewhat inconsistent because we are all different people. Mods are not paid employees, they are volunteers. We are here when we can be, but we cannot guarantee 100% coverage, 24/7/365. That’s why we also rely on members to show some self restraint.

The “spillover” can definitely be a problem, but as I said earlier, having a thread to accommodate these subjects has been ruled out long ago by the forum rules. After all, the main purpose of this site has to do with Alizée, not politics and religion. There are other forums much better suited for such subjects. And in closing, I don’t think your attitude towards the people who volunteer their time here to keep the site functioning is very much appreciated.