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Old 07-24-2012, 03:15 PM
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user472884 user472884 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Art Garfunkel's hair.
Age: 29
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user472884 is on a distinguished road

8. If your current (or dream) girl was a Halmark card, for what holiday would she be?

(Ex: I believe Dac- I mean mine would be a Halloween card... really classy and proper with a thick cardstock, Zapfino print, embossed jack-o-lanterns, and gold leaf trim all up in that pizzle... But while you're still stunned by the sheer perfection of the card, you're also taken back with the "What the firetruck? First of all I didn't even know they made Halloween cards, and why did you send me a Halloween card? It's freaking April for crying out loud."-ness to it to keep me interested.)

9. Are you a fan that happens to be Spanish? Or are you a fan of the Spanish? It's confused me for ages.

10. Coke or Pepsi
Be the leaf.
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