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Old 08-02-2012, 07:02 PM
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lefty12357 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Alizee is basically a kid and probably always will be. Some people are just too headstrong for their own good. She shops all the time, goes out to eat every night, and have you seen what she eats? I mean nothing against her but even her food tastes are quite childish. I have to say we're alike in that way because I also love candy. I dunno, I'm probably going to get some hate for what I say next but...I think she is a spoiled brat. I'm not saying she hasn't worked hard but, most celebrities don't have fame and wealth handed to them on a silver platter. This time especially, she has it made in the shade. She gets paid by Sony to record some songs and runs off to the beach while they do all the hard stuff.

My opinion on the tattoos: I don't think she has deep psychological issues, I think she is just having fun. From what I've been told, Jeremy had quite a tight rein on her and now she can do whatever she wants. They obviously represent something to her, but I think it's just making her look really trashy at this point. Based on just how the tattoos look, there is no rhyme or reason to them. It's not an actual sleeve, but her arm is almost completely covered in tattoos now.

I'm just wondering when she'll take the plunge and go with a chest or leg tat, a la Rihanna.
Much of what you said I agree with.

As for me, Alizée's tattoos are not my problem, but based on my own personal taste, I really don't like any of them.
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