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Old 08-08-2012, 07:36 PM
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Euphoria, that article in your first post is what caused me to join the board. I'd been into Alizée since late November early December 2004. On those early forums there was a real animosity for Jeremy and on some other French music boards the woman were slamming Alizée daily for marrying Jeremy. It was pretty ugly back then, with talk of the marriage being nothing more than a publicity stunt or sham. No one was giving it more than six months at most. Then it came out Alizée was pregnant and the haters started to tone down the comments and or left the boards.

The one point I do want to make is if this marriage was in so much trouble from the beginning why would Alizée and Jeremy buy a 4,000 sqft home on a golf coarse in 2008. Then a year or so later in Feb 2009 they go out and buy a commercial building in Villejuif for 180,000 €. The homes on her street in that Golf community are selling for 1.25 million €. The last one sold in less than 90 days.

I'm betting these problems in the marriage started right after the Psychedelices release. The critics panned the album and Jeremy of course had his hands all over that album from the start. Une enfant du siècle's lack of success just turned up the heat on the problems in her marriage and career.

Throw two strong personalities together and I'm betting there is going to be a lot of friction.

As far as the story on the band and her avoiding them I can theorize on that one. Lets see, the word is out that there are problems between Alizée and Jeremy and here are a bunch of sex crazed rock and roller band members.

How many members of that band hit on her while she was in Mexico?
I know guys and this is well with in the possibilities.
If you're a married woman with some family values there is no way you're going to encourage these guys so you're going to keep your distance.
It probably pissed her off and she was distant and not too friendly with any of them. And of course the band thinks she is a stuck up bitch for ignoring them.

As far as the DJ wanting you to take down the YouTube videos of Alizée and him, did you ask why he is upset with her? Anyone remember the fat older guy during that one interview in Mexico asking Alizée when she was going to do a nude spread? I'm wondering how many of these so call men who make disparaging comments against her and say they will never work with her again saw that Corsican side of her because of "their" actions not hers.

I wonder how many of these guys got their butt chewed out for thinking she was an easy piece of tail.

If you notice she only hangs alone, with her girl friends and obviously gay Dancerman. There have been no straight guys that we have seen in her life over the last eight or so months, WHY? I betting she is taking a break from guys for the near future because of a lot of bad situations in the past with men.

I've met lesbians and gays that use to be straight before having a total psycho come into their life, resulting in them switching sides as they say.

Last edited by ALS; 08-08-2012 at 07:40 PM..
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