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Old 08-13-2012, 09:48 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Art Garfunkel's hair.
Age: 29
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user472884 is on a distinguished road

Remember however long ago when there was that big-ass earthquake or something somewhere? And then every single news story for the following month was nothing but "Oh sweet jesus there was a 0.08 earthquake in Florida, and a 0.3 in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 'Merica is in danger of splitting in half, and the world is going to end"

A mother who had just divorced her abusive husband was gunned down in front of their two young children by crazy husband when she took her kids out to McDonalds in my neighborhood. The country didn't give a shit.

Now, if I take a .22 out on my land to rid of a few pests, I'm on the front page of Yahoo News as a possible co-conspirator of something and I am evidence of mental illnesses being spread by mad cow disease and global warming.

Then when a big shooting news event happens, the news will milk it with progressively smaller occurences until nobody cares anymore.

America is not "losing its mind."

We are not suddenly taking a turn for the worst. Things aren't beginning to plummet, we're not going downhill quickly.

The world is a shitty place, and the news are going to make as much money off of it as they can.

Be the leaf.
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