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Old 08-26-2012, 02:10 AM
pepelepew pepelepew is offline
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pepelepew is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
Sorry if the title offends anyone. But I'm American, and I personally believe this is a big deal that is not recieving big enough attention.

So, we all know about the Colorado shooting. And most of you have probably heard about the Wisconsin Sikh temple shootings. But there are still two others that are maybe lesser known (i attribute this to their smaller body count). First there was a woman who decided she wanted to hunt down men at her local grocery store (some reports told of her apologizing to a woman she accidently scared) and now (thanks to texasguy for this story) there is a shooting at Texas A&M. It's so sad. Sure, the later stories didnt have as many deaths. But that may just be no more than good luck. I'm shocked that all these seemingly random shootings aren't receiving more attention. It's like, yeah I know our presidential race is important. But after the Sikh shooting happened, I thought maybe it was a coincidence. But now that it has happened two more times, well, I'm getting scared. People with one grudge or another are taking matters into their own hands, and ending innocent people's lives for their own pleasure or whatever. Please DON'T turn this into a religious/political thing, purely psychological. Ostensible convo only. Post your well wishes for the families of victims, post news articles, whatever. Defense strategies, if you know of another shooting I haven't posted here, share that, whatever. I also ask the mods to PLEASE lock this thread if it starts to look TOO political or religious. or anti-political or religious. Just keep it clean, share your thoughts. We've all seen way to much violence and unrest to cause our own again here now.
All are antisocial personalities with pure evil intent. Nothing new under the sun. There is no defense against random acts of violence in a free society unless you stay at home and lock your doors. A society that chooses safety over freedom deserves neither. ( Benjamin Franklin)
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