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Old 09-01-2012, 11:07 AM
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One should also consider that the record company may have reasons to juggle releases around, since they may have other albums targeted to come out around the same time. They sometimes like to spread them out a bit, and it may have nothing to do with Alizée's album being ready. Then again, rumors of delays may be false.

In regards to the single, someone mentioned timing issues in the music. I don't listen to B. B. Brunes, but the rhythm tracks sound like they might have been recorded by them. An engineer can fix some timing issues, but the source of the problem is usually poor musicianship. Then again, that "rough around the edges" sound may be what they were going for. I think the song is generally OK and I like it, but I just don't feel the production values are as high as they should be. I hope this won't be the case for the whole album.
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