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Old 09-26-2012, 09:32 PM
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Ray4AJ Ray4AJ is offline
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Yesterday ended my fifth month of even knowing that Alizée existed. Every single day I ponder what has happened to me, how it happened, and what it all means to me, regarding her and my fandom. It's not a struggle, but a constantly evolving experience. This is all something I'd like to write about in the forum sometime. Anyone know if there is already a thread for that?

Regarding the poll and the topic here, and Alizée and her tattoos.... I try to think of her as I would a friend. If a friend talked about getting tattoos I'd say that I wouldn't but that if they wanted to then they should. If they asked my opinion on possible choices, I'd still say don't get any but if they did it would not change my opinion of the person at all. If I thought it would have a bad effect on the friend's future, I'd think that they were free to do whatever they wanted to do, and that they knew more about the future they were seeking, and how they planned to get there than I did.

And I can apply this to many things regarding Alizée and what she does that we know about. No matter how much concern I have for her and her career, I'm just a spectator. Sure, we all have opinions and feelings about everything she does or doesn't do, and there is nothing wrong with expressing them. I've let myself get stressed out about things relating to Alizée in the past (trying to buy ACDA from, for example) and I decided to try to not let that happen anymore, and it's working for me. Her tattoos don't take away from the positive (yet not understood) changes in my life since discovering her. I'm still trying to figure out how I'll ever pay her back.

Alizée leads the way. I follow or I don't. Stress free. Mostly.

Yeah, I get it. I know it. I'm in the 100% fanboy stage... I'm voting 100% in the poll.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 09-26-2012 at 09:36 PM..
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