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Old 10-17-2012, 09:14 PM
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ALS is on a distinguished road

Azhiri I have considered the point you have made. There is that vibe you get when you watch her over a period time that she is somewhat lackadaisical in the pursuit of her career. When she started out she was pushed and put on strict regiment by Mylene and Laurent when it came to the studio recording schedule, choreography practice and promotion of the first two albums and the concert tour. She seems to have this optimism that things will work out no matter what she does. The problem with that attitude is you still have to put some effort in to your career because it isn't going to always fall in to place by itself.

I thought about it and Sony may be waiting for five days of Les Enfoires and a two hour special so she can get her face and name out there to remind the public she still is relevant before releasing the new CD. Face it when you're living on Corsica the paparazzi are not paying any attention to you or publishing your picture or stories on you in the scandal sheets.

That little game she played with Matt P earlier this year may have hurt her with the local Paris media. You say somethings going on between them you get sued and when you retract the story saying it wasn't true you get sued again.

Last edited by ALS; 10-17-2012 at 09:24 PM..
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