Thread: Bullying.
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Old 10-29-2012, 06:09 PM
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Originally Posted by mzracing76 View Post

3) what we can do is this - hold our Schools, Teachers, and Parents accountable for their actions. Fine them, penilize them, and suspend all included, including teachers, kids, and principles. Another thing we can do, and I have played my role, is to sponsor Legislation in Governments to make it a Federal and Local crime to commit an act of bullying. I support any law that makes it a crime, and sets up a 3 step violation process. First offense would be 90 day suspension, Second offense would be 1 year suspension without pay for teachers, $500 fine levied on the parents, or One Year suspension for students, and sanctions levied on the school or system. And finally, Third Offense would be Prison/Jail time for Students, Career ending punishment for teachers or school administrators, and $2500 fine on parents.
Im sorry mzracing76 but I think that is a terrible idea especially since my parents are both teachers and I cant begin to tell you the bullshit they are already held accountable for. Second you are telling me if a kid calls a another kid a name, which is normal, that if the teacher decides maybe its best to let the kids work it out themselves that the teacher should receive 90 days suspension? Are you kidding me ... think about your solution a little bit more. Also know radical solutions have radical consequences. For example yours will result in teachers issuing undeserved punishments since their ass is on the line since you are willing to suspend them for a year without pay. Next im not sure making bullying a crime to be a good idea either since our prisons are already over populated and wasting tons of tax payers dollars, sending people there that do not belong will be a huge problem. Next you will have a Salem witch trial like scenario where everyone will be accusing others of "bullying." Furthermore you want to put children in jail for just being children .......? Yes bullying is bad and needs to be minimized but throwing kids in jail for it is just plain wrong man and I cant even begin to scratch the surface on why that is.
Like I said before, if your ideas are ever put in place we will be reliving the Salem Witch Trials.


Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
FRA, I agree that bullying is difficult to deal with because the bully accomplishes his goal pretty much in all scenarios. I would say that in terms of the aftermath of a bully, a lot of it is on the victim to handle - to an extent. I think the most effective way to keep from getting hurt by bullies emotionally is to be at peace with what makes you stand out and to know yourself well enough to be comfortable with being called out... you can't insult someone who has already come to terms with what makes them vulnerable to be insulted. I think this value should be emphasized more in our daily lives. This should probably even be a priority over the bullying itself - that would at least do something to ease the pain and buy time for kids who feel hopeless and that there is no way out. I think people should be encouraged to go to therapy to help them get closer to inner peace. There is a bit of a stigma that comes with getting therapy, this should be changed somehow - the idea that therapy can be for everyone, not just crazy or "broken" people, should be introduced and accepted in our society.
You are right Azhiri and I think if implemented correctly your method could work, we live in a very insecure society where we are judged by petty things such as appearance. But however what you said only works with one type of bully ... the verbal bully. With the physical bully you can be as secure with yourself as you want and it wont help you.
BTW this is the not a sexist comment but I have read somewhere that the female bully is the worst of the verbal bully as for they know how to sting where it hurts ... as a girl Azhiri how do you feel about that and do you agree or disagree with it? I was never bullied by a girl (maybe when I was really really young in like 1st grade lol) so I cannot say.


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 10-29-2012 at 06:18 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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