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Old 12-29-2012, 12:15 AM
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Azhiri Azhiri is offline
Dream always and all ways.
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Location: Gulf Coast USA
Age: 28
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Azhiri is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Girls, I agree with you on the artistic side of the photo shoot but based on at least one song so far from the new CD this is like John Denver or Pat Boone trying to be Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols. I know she is probably having fun but lets face it how could you take this woman seriously as a bad ass when she has a tattoos of Tinker Bell, Snow White, Boy who plays with Poop, and Sailorman on her body. Let alone posing with an ankle bitter of dog smaller than most bunny rabbits I've seen.
That's the thing, I don't think she's trying to come off as a badass or really anything anymore. I think she's just doing what she wants. I say let her. Sometimes I wonder about you guys, I can see her having a lot of fun and enjoying herself with that shoot, but a lot of you don't really seem to care about that. A lot of you seem to be more concerned with whether she's living up to YOUR expectations and standards. I'm not trying to offend anybody but that just comes off as selfish to me. She seems happier than she's ever been these days, yet her fans seem to be as UNhappy as they've ever been at the same time... kinda ironic.

I'm excited for a chance to read what she has to say about tattoos, tattoo culture, her own tattoos, etc. She seems to be really proud of hers. A lot of us have been confused about her thought process (or lack thereof) that went into getting these tattoos, maybe she will shed some light on that here.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée
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