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Old 12-30-2012, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Corsaire View Post
This particular photo shoot is pretty insignificant when taken on its own, but more generally speaking, I would say there is a clearer picture emerging more and more; Alizée seems to be immature and superficial. I always thought there was a strong deeper person behind the physical beauty, but maybe this was misreading her career moves. Maybe Alizée is indeed simply interested in tattoos, pets, shopping, food, candies, childish entertainment... Maybe most of her fans like these sorts of topics, but I myself find them mortally boring. I had great hopes after a more mature Alizée showed up for UEDS, but now, I would say Alizée is either really shallow and uninteresting, or she is really hiding well the more mature and deep side of her.
I agree with Azhiri, she can definitely get in that matured and purpose-driven mindset. Just look at how she carries herself in interviews and video we get leading up to new albums. Did you see her in the "Making of Mademoiselle Juliette" video? That woman knew what she wanted and was going to make sure things were done right.

Alizée, just like all human beings, has a work-mindset and a play-mindset. She is mature and deep with her work, while being playful and social with her family and friends. In the last few years we have got to see both sides of her, not just her "work" side. We are now seeing who she truly is...which is coming as a shock to most of us...if anyone can tell
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