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Old 02-04-2013, 07:41 AM
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Melle Katherine Melle Katherine is offline
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Melle Katherine is on a distinguished road

I couldn't read the all comments here, but... here's my opinion.
I used to hate Myléne between 2005-2011. I don't know exactly why, but I think she's too vulgar. She was nude in her old clips, come on... So I think Jérémy is right, if he really disliked that sexual image. I think Myléne want Alizée to be similar to her, to be a "mini Myléne"... And she didn't realized that Alizée is different. Alizée isn't like her, never was and never will be. Alizée did right, that she left Myléne & Laurent. She had to find her own way, her own style, the music she likes and want to make. I admire Jérémy because of his work with "Psychédélices". I think it was a great album, AND DON'T TELL IT WASN'T OR IT WASN'T SUCCESSFUL! Because it was. Just the stupid Myléne-adorer French people weren't curious about her without Myléne... But she has much better voice, than Myléne has! If this album would be someone else's, it would be a great success. If it would be her first one, then too.
BUT: Last year I started listening to Myléne's music. Some of them I like, and I have to tell you that she's very talented and creative, but I prefer Alizée. It's a fact, that Myléne's the greatest singer in France and she does the things well. She can also write very good lyrics too, and Laurent is a great composer. But I don't want them to work again with Alizée. Myléne and Laurent used her, and Jérémy made Alizée understand it. She's better off without MF & LB...

Speaking of... Do you remember that letter from Myléne? She sent to Alizée a letter at the end of 2011, Alizée also tweeted a picture about it. I'm curious what could be written in that letter...

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