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Old 02-17-2013, 08:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
You are a sicko and I'm honestly surprised you haven't been banned. You're like a rapist who blames the victim for dressing provocatively.
You defiantly need to seek out professional psychiatric help.

Euphoria you really have some serious emotional issues going on.

You always seem to enjoy putting people down or attacking others on this board, that young lady is the behavior of a mentally unstable person. Being in business 25 years and since 80% of the people working for me are woman I seen this behavior before. You are a very unhappy woman and this is your way of asking for help.

And I guess that fake Alizée America account you have for PMing others doesn't matter either. I knew it was you what do you think I'm as stupid as the men you date? I know exactly what kind of woman you are and I know what your agenda is on this board. Look at my last post and why don't you contact all those people you know that are friends with Alizée, who just happen to give you personally all that juicy inside private information that you can't talk about on the board, and let them know about this thread and my comments on the subject.

Euphoria did you see what happened to Rihanna last night involving a nut case fan. She ended up with a cut on her leg and a body guard in the hospital.

Like I don't know women hell I have been accused by women too many times that I know far too much about what goes on in your heads. Probably why older guys like me are so drawn to Alizée, she isn't a freaking nut case. And at my age pretty much every unattached woman I meet over 35 has issues, major emotional baggage or is a screaming psycho.

I've employed mostly women in my business for 25 years and I have seen it all. I've had your type working for me and not one has lasted more than six months before I ended up firing them. Industry wide the average turn over rate is six months to a year, OTOH my average employee has been with me for over 15 years. My General Manager and the other female manager right under her both passed 25 years with me. If I'm such a sicko like you said do you think the women who work for me which is 80% of my company would stay as long as they do?

BTW Euphoria learn the rules of the Internet when you resort to name calling you have already lost the argument.
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