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Old 03-14-2013, 11:50 AM
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ALS is on a distinguished road

I've followed her for over eight years and haven't seen any thing that I would consider odd or unique that would point to a mysterious or deep personality. Shy slightly introverted when around people she doesn't know, outgoing and playful when around her good friends. Appreciates her privacy and alone time and not one of those people that needs constant attention and accolades to feel needed or wanted. She is perfectly happy with who she is.
She knows when to turn on the charm, personality when in a public venue but that isn't her normal disposition. There is a wild and crazy girl bottled up in that little body but few ever really get to see it other than her good friends and those who have the En Concert DVD.

Corsaire, you make a good point but we have to realize that all these daily pictures Alizée has been posting all started right around when she started working on this new Album. There is a reason for what she is doing with her posting a small part of her life on the Internet. Remember how many pictures during the summer she posted of her and Pierre (Dancerman) and the only pictures we see of the two of them is from Pierre's Instagram or Facebook. She isn't stupid as we get closer to the release date she is trying to look more and more available, no boyfriend. She is trying to pull in as many guys as she can hoping they will purchase her Cd. Like what happened this week with Milely all of a sudden calls of the engagement to the guy she's been seeing. I'm wondering if she saw something happening negatively with her career over that relationship and called it quits. Look at Britney and as soon as she dumped K-Fed her album sales took off.
I'm really curious to see if leaving Jeremy is going to have a positive effect on Alizée's career. She may be immature and a little lackadaisical but she is a lot smarter than many people give her credit for.

Last edited by ALS; 03-14-2013 at 12:08 PM..
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