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Old 03-16-2013, 01:04 AM
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JoeNY JoeNY is offline
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post

Where did i criticise her?
I criticise the dozens upon dozens of complete idiots who have nothing better to say than 'I love you'....You are beautiful'...etc.
If she posts a picture of a pair of shoes then it's easy to say 'Like the shoes'....'Shoes rock' etc etc.
That's not difficult is it? At least the comment would have some relevance to the actual picture (or message) that she posted.
Obviously, i don't know how she feels but i'd be willing to place a bet that she is sick, sore and tired of reading the same old rubbish day after day after day.

Now if i was to personally criticise her it would be way to easy to say 'Hey Alizee...10 days to the album release! Nice to see that you are making a complete mess of the promotion for it'
But then that was expected...
I'm not pointing fingers at you. I just want you to understand why people post "shallow comments". I'm sorry, but when I am just looking at Alizee's pic for the day, I'm not looking for something insightful to say. I don't have a well-thought out commentary. The first thought that comes into my head is "Alizee is beautiful." When I see her pic of shoes, I think "Alizee is beautiful". It's Facebook/Instagram, not a review site. People are most likely typing from their cell phones.

It's actually quite nice to just see a picture from her and know it will brighten your day. Honestly, it took a week before I stopped critiquing her pics and just sat back to appreciate them. Who knows if Alizee disappears for years again after this album, so be grateful that she's sharing with us now.
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