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Old 03-18-2013, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Matevz91 View Post
...In my life I follow the metaphysical claim that everyone is born equally intelligent, or a somewhat stronger (and realistic?) claim, that for lack of intelligence in some areas there is always abundance of intelligence in other areas....
When they talk about intelligence, these days they actually think in terms of 7 intelligences (a simple google search will yield more info.). A typical IQ test only measures a couple of them.
<DL><DT>The seven are:<DT> 1. Linguistic <DT> 2. Logical-Mathematical. <DT> 3. Bodily-Kinesthetic <DT> 4. Spatial <DT> 5. Musical <DT> 6. Interpersonal <DT> 7. Intrapersonal</DT><DT> </DT><DT>By the way, I have also heard 9 mentioned. </DT></DL>
Originally Posted by Matevz91 View Post
Anyway, before I move to my conjecture about Alizée, I must first ask myself, am I intelligent? Judging by what some people in my life say....

What is the truth then, am I intelligent? ... There are those who say, that I don't have a soul, but they don't realize that I perceive spirituality as part of my life (here you have the answer to the question whether there is more to "reality" than what we see - yes there is). And lastly, there are those who think that I know everything and that I can do anything - they don't realized how flawed I am as a person and how little I really know, sometimes I get lost even at the most trivial things.
Of course you are intelligent, the question is: how intelligent, and compared to what? Also, the context is important. Obviously, someone high in Linguistic intelligence, but low in others, will not necessarily be thought of highly if the test is how well do you dance.

Once you move into spirituality the questions get a lot more interesting. For example, do you really exist or are you just a dream in a dreamers mind. The answer to this question might be more important to some than how smart the characters in the dream are.

Originally Posted by Matevz91 View Post
To sum it up, how people see me tells more about them than about myself..... How deep we see Alizée might say more about ourselves than about her.

Originally Posted by Matevz91 View Post
...Anyway, I have finally covered enough ground to present to you my conjecture about Alizée - that she is one of the most flexible and intelligent singers, out of whom a composer, who knows what he wants and who has a world (that is, "depth" - check out my definition some posts ago) behind his works, can create songs that can literally take the world. And I am not talking about taking the world in a commercial way, but in a way of the mind. I cannot prove that, of course, but I have this feeling, that her superficiality towers over others depths.
For those interested, I used some of the words of Ptolemy from the Stones movie Alexander the great still, my feeling stands, the feeling that in right hands, she can do wonders...
So, she is a piece of top quality clay to be molded. Given to the right sculptor, a masterpiece can be the result.
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